Mesh CurvatureInfo/de

Netz KrümmungInfo

Netze → Analyse → Krümmungsinfo
Eingeführt in Version
Siehe auch
Netz KnotenKrümmung


Der Netz KrümmungsInfo Befehl zeigt die absolute Krümmung von Krümmungsobjekten an ausgewählten Punkten an.


  1. During the command the 3D view cannot be changed.
  2. Make sure the mesh objects whose curvature objects you want to analyze are invisible.
  3. There are several ways to invoke the command:
    • Press the Curvature info button.
    • Select the Meshes → Analyze → Curvature info option from the menu.
  4. The cursor changes to a pipette icon:
  5. Select a point on a curvature object.
  6. Optionally toggle the Annotation option from the 3D view context menu to switch from temporary to permanent labels.
  7. Optionally pick more points on curvature objects.
  8. Select the Leave info mode option from the 3D view context menu to finish the command.